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Iqbal Rizki Elyazar-2011
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 Peringkat di SsV

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Presiden SsV
Presiden SsV

Jumlah posting : 89
Alpukat : 1336
Join date : 15.01.11
Age : 27
Lokasi : ♥Semarang♥

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PostSubyek: Peringkat di SsV   Peringkat di SsV Icon_minitimeSun Jan 16, 2011 1:04 pm

Presiden SsV = - posting (di atur sama admin)
Wakil presiden = - posting (di atur sama admin)

Baru Lahir = 0 posting
Bayi = 5 posting
Play Group = 30 posting
Anak SD = 50 posting
Anak SMP = 100 posting
Anak SMA = 300 posting
Mahasiswa = 500 posting
Pak Guru = 1000 posting
Maniak SsV = 2000 posting
SsV Donatur = Buat Para Donatur

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